Parent of Child Membership
Our “Parent of Child” membership is unique and something you won’t find at any other local club. It’s stunningly good value and there is sound reasoning behind it.
We have the largest mini tennis programme is Essex. One of our aims is to get as many children as we can playing as regularly as possible. Parents can play a key role in this and help to fast-track their child along. Mini tennis is very easy to play and virtual any parent can join in the fun and spend time rallying and playing with their young child.
Parent of Child members costs just £25 a year, or £35 for both parents. The membership permits you to play with your child/children as much as you like whenever the courts are free.
Parent of Child can be of great benefit if you have a child who is shy and likely to take some time before they will be confident enough to integrate with others. Parents often tease their children into the game this way. Likewise if your child is very young or a late starter, you can play a key role in their integration into tennis.
We have many parents playing with their children at the club using the PoC membership. Some even progress on and decide to join Rusty Rackets & Newbies and go on to become full members. Why not become a member today? We have made it so cheap, surely it’s hard to say no?