About Westcliff Hard
Established in 1929, Westcliff Hardcourt Tennis Club is the foremost club in the area.
We see tennis as a game for life and have members aged 4 years old to 90. We run programmes for beginners right through to advanced. ‘Tennis for Everyone’ is out motto. Tim Henman fully endorses our club’s approach to tennis and recommends you contact our head coach who will set you in the right direction.
John Lloyd, pictured with two top juniors, at the Junior Stellisons Open
Westliff Hard is perhaps most famous for being the club where the Lloyd brothers spent their formative years as players. David, John and Tony Lloyd all played at Wimbledon in the 1970s and are indeed still members of Westcliff Hard today.
Judge why this is the best place to improve your tennis & build new friendships by booking an appointment to view the club and sample what’s on offer.